Improve Your Sex Life with Exercise

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I thought I'd share this article from, since--suprisingly--not many people realize just how beneficial SEX can be for your physical and mental health. Not only is it a good exercise; it's also a great way to reduce stress (not to mention improve your mood). I know some of you are thinking, "I knew that!" But what you may not realize is how SEX can be even BETTER for both you and your partner/significant other if you incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle.

If health and fitness aren't enough to get you to exercise, how about improving your sex life? Sure, exercise can help you look good and maybe that will help you get more sex, but I'm talking about increasing your potency and making sex more fun. You already know why exercise is so important for your health, but you may not know that studies have found a direct correlation between physical inactivity and a lack of potency. So, exercise can increase your potency, and it can also make your sex life more enjoyable. Here's what you'll need to get the most out of your sex life.

For enthusiastic sex, you'll need some cardio endurance. It won't be any fun if you bonk out halfway through. Shoot for 3 or 4 days of cardio exercise like running, walking, swimming or whatever floats your boat and your partner will thank you.

Sex also requires a little endurance. You may find yourself positions for short periods of time, so conditioning your body can be a plus for longer lasting sex. For endurance, you'll need to lift lighter weights for more repetitions. Check out some endurance workouts here and get conditioned for sex.

As long as we're talking about holding yourself in position, we might as well cover muscular strength, which is something else you'll need. Your muscles will be contracting like crazy no matter what position you're in, so it pays to be in shape to avoid nasty leg or foot cramps. For strength, you'll need to lift heavier weights for few repetitions. For some ideas, visit my Workout Center.

Flexibility can enhance anyone's sex life by making it a bit easier to get into your favorite position with a minimum amount of fuss. Why not try a little Yoga to get you in the mood? Or try these stretches to get you ready for the most vigorous sex.

Keep in mind that both sex and exercise have been proven to help reduce stress, so doing both on a regular basis should help you stay relaxed and happy. Exercise also helps increase your sexual desire. Tamar Love, About's former Sexuality Co-Guide, points out that low sex drive is often caused by stress and fatigue. When you're tired, you just don't feel like doing it, right? Exercise, along with a healthy diet and adequate sleep can boost your libido so you're up for anything.

Don't forget that sex burns calories! Okay, so it has to be fairly vigorous to get your heart rate going, but calories are calories right? A 130-lb person can burn about seven calories per five minutes of vigorous sex. Keep it up for two hours, and you'll burn off 177 calories...enough to get rid of those cookies you ate after dinner. Plus, you will impress your mate with your incredible endurance!

If you're pregnant, read about Sexual Relations During Pregnancy to find out safe ways to get some!

I don't know about that word, "potency" being thrown around (LOL!), but it's great article. Surveys have shown that over half of failed marriages end due to sexual problems. Get some exercise and get "some" people! Take sex out of the divorce equation.



Repeat After Me: "I AM BEAUTIFUL!"

Monday, August 10, 2009

Regardless of what size you are, the first step in your weight-loss journey is self-acceptance.

We are bombarded everyday by the media with unrealistic images of what today's "healthy" woman looks like. Most of these images go through extensive editing and *photoshopped before we get a chance to view them--making many of the average (real) women in America set up unrealistic goals for themselves in an attempt to become what they see in these pictures. Women need to aspire for a body image that is healthy for themselves. We come in ALL different shapes and sizes, and it is important for a woman to appreciate her own body and accept the curves she's been blessed with. Working out and eating healthy can improve your body, but at the end of the day, you cannot change the way your body is naturally shaped. For example, I will never, ever look like Kate Moss....nor would I ever want to. I am curvy. Kate has a thin waif figure. Without tens of thousand of dollars, Kate could never achieve the curves I have, and I will never in this life be that skinny. Guess what! I love my curves! I love 'em! I love 'em! That is the attitude we need to have before we can be successful in achieving our weight-loss goals. We need to love ourselves first. This is especially true for our impressionable young girls.

According to the Office on Women’s Health (Department of Health and Human Services), poor body image can lead to emotional distress, unhealthy dieting habits, eating disorders, and depression. This can definitely cause road bumps in your weight-loss journey. Before you can change your body, you have to like what you see in the mirror NOW.

Here are a few ways you can achieve a healthy and positive body image:

Exercise. Of course! Don't get me wrong; sweating is in no way an indicator of how good a workout you're getting. However, there is nothing like working up a sweat, feeling my muscles stretch and contract, and feeling so accomplished when I'm done. It is a great feeling knowing you've done something good for you--inside/out. Furthermore, each day you repeat this, your muscles look and feel more toned.

Go shopping. Screw that "waiting to buy clothes until I lose my weight" attitude! Find clothes that flatter your body shape NOW. Why do you have to wait to look and feel good? Highlight your strong features to feel sexy in whatever you wear, even workout clothes.

Compliment yourself. Look in the mirror and say out loud, “I am beautiful”. If you still need more encouragement, say "I love you girl." Hearing and saying this out loud can increase your self-esteem.

Accept compliments. How many of us hear “You look nice today!” and respond with " I don't/I look fat/I hate this outfit/I look horrible/I'm having a bad hair day." The next time someone gives you a compliment, simply say, “Thank you”. That small change can help you to focus on the positive, not the negative.

Eat healthy. Cut back on greasy, fatty, foods, and include more lean proteins, complex carbs, fruits and vegetables. Take a daily vitamin as well. This can also help you grow healthy hair, strong nails, and have glowing skin. Don't forget your 8 glasses of water per day. =)

Lastly, and most important, if you don't have a positive body image and accept and be happy with who you see in the mirror now, you'll likely never be happy with any milestone you reach on your weight-loss journey.

*Proof that seeing is NOT believing, unless you see them in person with your own two eyes. The reason I've posted these is to further impress upon you the fact that no one is least not
without Photoshop. :P

Beyonce after Photoshop:

Beyonce before Photoshop:

Penélope Cruz after Photoshop (they've literally removed a couple ribs):

Penélope Cruz before Photoshop:

Tyra before & after Photoshop:



Run For Your Life!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Before I get technical, let me just say (in my experience) running is not only a great physical activity; it's good for the soul. It is a true mind-body-spirit kind of exercise for me...especially when I choose my favorite place to run. I like to take an early drive down to Crown Point (on the Information Center side) and use the trail there. It is the most peaceful experience ever! What makes me most proud is seeing others on their bikes, rollerblades, or on foot like me, enjoying the beautiful SoCal weather while literally increasing the quality of their lives. Whenever I think I'm tired, all I have to do is look west. Just a quick gaze at the serenity, the feel of the ocean breeze on my skin, is enough to re-energize me for another mile. Whether you're walking, jogging, rollerblading, biking or running, finding a place that inspires you during your workout can be a totally ZEN experience.

There are numerous benefits that can be gained from partaking in a rigorous exercise such as running. Some of these benefits can include increase weight-loss, improved cardiovascular health (i.e. a higher fitness level), improved bone health, improved mood, better coordination, increased energy and a more toned appearance. It can be like a total-body-workout (inside/out).

For those that are looking to lose a few pounds, running can be one of the most effective forms of exercise for helping you achieve your goal. That is because running requires a great deal of energy. Guess what! To feed that energy requirement, the body must burn a large number of calories while running. That number is typically much more than you'd burn during less taxing forms of exercise such as walking or yoga. Surprisingly, many runners say they often experience increased energy after a run. Go figure!

There are many psychological benefits to running as well. Runners typically report being happier and feeling less stressed than those who do not run or exercise regularly. I've read that running actually has the ability to alter an individual's moods because hormones, called endorphins, are released while running. These hormones create a sense of euphoria often referred to as a "runner’s high" and can result in an improvement in the runner’s mood. I can attest to having experienced this feeling while running. Many runners have also reported using running as a way to actually alleviate stress.

Lastly, I thought I'd include some tips on form while running. Being a sprinter in college, I was taught to run on my toes. However, if you've ever experience shin splints or, worse, stress-fractures, you know that toes aren't always the safest way to do longer distance running (beyond 200 meters...LOL). The safest way to run, and what is used by most elite runners, is mid-foot running. It requires you to flex the leg upon impact with the surface. This is definitely a learned practice and will take some time to get used to. You basically have to "unlearn" the way you've been running since you were a kid. I've still not mastered this technique. Until I do, I focus on a soft heel-to-toe stride--only because I "run." Using heel-to-toe for jogging do I put this....AWFUL! In fact, I would rather walk if I had to choose between jogging and walking. Jogging, for me, is not an option. It puts a hell of a lot of pressure on your joints and back.

I have a friend who once told me, "You will not find me running unless I'm being chased." If you're not much of a runner, and just can't get into it, that's OK. Everyone has their own preference and that's absolutely fine. There are plenty of other cardiovascular exercises out there that offer similar benefits. I'll discuss those later; this post is for the runners.


So how about you? Like running? Why or why not?

Top 5 Fitness Plateau Busters

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ah the infamous plateau...we've all been there. You've been busting your butt for months, working hard to get more fit or lose weight. Yet, for some odd reason, you suddenly stop losing weight; you're pant size has stayed the same; you just can't seem to run any faster. Don't panic! You've just hit your first plateau...or second...or third. The good news is it doesn't necessarily mean you need to spend more time in the gym or work harder in your routine. In fact, your routine is most likely the culprit.

Here are a few ways to break the cycle and begin to see results again.

Switch it Up

There are a few reasons you want to vary your workouts: avoiding boredom, cross-training to burn more calories and reach new levels of fitness, and avoiding plateaus. If you don't switch it up once in a while, your body will eventually go into cruise control. Basically, your body doesn't have to work as hard to do activities you're used to doing. Try new cardio exercises, or use some free weights instead of machines, do your normal routine backwards, try a group fitness class, take up mountain biking, anything to switch it up. By changing your routine, you will shock and surprise your body--in a good way--and force it to adapt, taking you to new fitness levels.

Eat More

Think about it; as your fitness level goes up, your body's metabolism may increase. Guess what, so will your caloric needs. Sometimes your body is simply crying for more nourishment. If you hit a plateau, just take a week or so to evaluate how much you're eating. You might need to eat a little more than you have in the past in order for your body to continue to increase fitness levels. If you feel hungry more often than you used to, this is a good indicator that you need to eat more to sustain the intensity of your current fitness program. Remember, WHAT you eat is more important than how much or how often you eat.

Vary Your Intensity

Just like varying your activities is important in avoiding or breaking a plateau, alternating intensity of your workouts is just as beneficial. Try planning specific intensities for different days of the week--low, moderate and high-intensity. Additionally, you can vary your intensity during the workout--great for fat burning! One of my favorite type of workouts is interval-training. Try alternating high and low intensity cardio training, perhaps changing every 2-3 minutes. Another great way to incorporate interval training is to switch between resistance training and cardio. Your options are endless.

Take A Vacation From Your Regular Routine

If you've hit a plateau, it could be time for you to take a break. Sometimes your body just needs rest, but that doesn't mean lay around on the couch all day. What you need is an active rest. Take a week off from your regular activities, and instead take some yoga classes or leisurely walks in the park. An active rest can rejuvenate the mind and the body, as well as allow for overworked muscles to rest and rebuild. You'll return to your normal routine refreshed and charged, ready for new challenges.

Get Some Sleep

If you're like me--night owl with a hectic day & evening schedule--you have to force yourself to go to bed. Getting an adequate amount of sleep will allow time for your muscles to recover from exercise--it's when we're asleep that all the awesome changes happen! Try to go for 8 hours to ensure you can come to your next exercise session with a full tank of gas (so to speak). =)